Author: Lewis School

Introducing Mohammed Name: Mohammed Age: 26 Nationality: Saudi Mohammed is one of those rare people who never fail to add a little bit of fun to your day. He’s confident, easy-going and charming. Pretty much every morning, I hear him joking with the Suzie and Michelle on reception before he 
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Theatre is one of the most powerful ways of developing your English outside the classroom. It’s also fantastic fun! Each week, in addition to English lessons, excursions and evening activities, students have 12 hours of theatre practice. During these theatre sessions, we work towards an adaptation of a famous musical 
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Exciting news for cricket fans! We’re announcing a brand new English & Cricket programme aimed at junior students aged 11-17. What’s more, the Head Coach will be none other than former Pakistan captain Muhammad Yousuf, who played in all three formats of the game and scored over 17,000 international runs. 
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In 2012, the Manchester United midfielder, Nemanja Matić, received death threats for refusing to wear one. In 2016, the national football teams of Wales, England, Scotland and Ireland were all given fines by FIFA for displaying them. This year, a multi-coloured glittery one had to be taken off eBay in 
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This month’s EL Gazette lists the best UK language schools for year-round young learner courses. We’re delighted to be ranked in the top ten. A Flavour of our Year-Round Programmes To get an idea of what our Year-Round Junior programmes are like, scroll down to watch the video at the 
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Our latest student blog comes in the form of a video! Anastasia, Benedetta, Carmen and Francesca came here on a group course. As part of their video project work, they created this super film of their stay at the Lewis School. In the film, the four students reminisce about their 
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We thought we’d give our visiting agents a taste of our teaching style… and it was such good fun! We love welcoming agents to our school. It’s a chance to share who we are and what we do, to meet wonderful people from around the world, and also to learn 
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Introduction Our latest junior group arrived on a cold, dark Saturday evening in the final week of October. Having spent the last few week weeks preparing for their arrival, I was excited to finally meet them. The 23 tired teenagers tumbled off their coach, grabbing their suitcases on the way. 
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A fascinating wander through time Isn’t it strange that we rarely visit museums in the city we live in? For some reason, we only let our interest in culture or history out to air when we’re visiting particularly exotic cities. I, myself, would happily explore the Louvre in Paris or 
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Halloween is one of my favourite festivals. I have many fond childhood memories of carefully choosing my costume, carving elaborate pumpkin designs and waiting excitedly for trick-or-treaters to come to the door. As I’ve got older, the way I celebrate may have changed but without fail, every 31st October, I 
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