Communicative Teaching & Activities

Communicative Teaching & Activities

On this course, you'll be learning about the origins of Communicative Language Teaching, considering how this differs from earlier methodologies and how it can help your students to develop communicative competence and prepare them for English language exchanges in the real world.
You will also be looking at activity design in order to maximise opportunities for student-to-student interaction in your classrooms. Through hands-on, practical tasks, you'll be working with other teachers on the course to evaluate a range of communicative activities, as well as designing your own through the use of a framework.

19 February - 3 March 2024
6-19 May 2024
14-27 October 2024

2 weeks

10 hours in total

Minimum level: B1

Primary, secondary & private language sector school teachers

Wide range of teaching resources – no course book

Learn about Communicative Language Teaching

Improve student-to-student interaction

Experiment with activity design

The principles behind the methodology
  • Familiarisation with the Communicative Approach
  • Developing students’ soft skills
  • Understanding communicative activities
Activity design
  • Controlled and free practice tasks
  • Using a framework to create activities
  • Practice and reflection


Each module should take about 5 hours. You can study at a time convenient for you, but each task must be completed by the specified deadline.
There will be a variety of tasks to complete. Collaboration is a key part of the course, although this doesn’t mean you have to be online at the same time as your peers. However, it’s important you keep to the task deadlines to enable everyone to complete the necessary work.
At the end of each module there will be an online live chat session, timetabled for a day and time that suits the majority. For those that are unable to attend the live session, it will be recorded and uploaded to the site.

19 February – 3 March 2024
6-19 May 2024
14-27 October 2024




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