Author: Lewis School

Introducing Fiona Let me introduce you to our latest recruit here at the Lewis School; the lovely, bubbly marketing intern Fiona. Fiona rocked up here on her first day of work with a selection of tasty Chinese treats for us to try. This, alongside her infectious smile, instantly made her 
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What comes to mind when you think of the city of Salisbury? For those of you from outside the UK, it would be understandable if your answer were ‘nothing’. British people might recall the 2018 Novichok scandal. After all, the poisoning of the ex-Russian spy and his daughter in this 
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My colleagues at the Lewis School The English Foreign Language (EFL) industry is full of people with fascinating stories. People are usually drawn to this world as a result of their passion for traveling and their desire to understand other cultures. As I’ve got to know my colleagues at the 
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Give your professional development a boost this year! We’re proud to be launching a new range of online teacher training courses, Lewis Online Learning, and we’re offering you a 20% discount too! Our online courses are perfect for the busy teacher. They are tutor-led and collaborative, so you’ll meet and 
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 What’s your New Year’s resolution? Every year, around the world, people use the beginning of the new year to spark motivation for any personal projects or goals that they might have. Some people choose to get fit, write a book or stop smoking. But why should you choose the same 
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It’s become a tradition at the Lewis School to make a Happy New Year video! Watch below as our staff and students create a message for you, piece by piece. We all wish you a wonderful 2020! If you like to see our videos from previous years, check out the 
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Culture Guide: A British Christmas Christmas is celebrated in many different countries all over the world. In each country, Christmas has its unique form. Even within the UK, the way Christmas is celebrated changes greatly from area to area. Individual families often have unique traditions, which are passed down from 
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Aromas and songs welcoming us… As we step through into the cathedral courtyard, we are hit by the warm aromas of mulled wine and roasting chestnuts. The sounds of traditional Christmas songs are interspersed by the shrieks of laughter of the children spinning circles on the ice rink. My eyes 
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Our latest student blog is by Maud from France, who has written about one of her most fascinating experiences in the UK. Maud has been a student at the Lewis School several times, and is a member of the Caen-Portsmouth Twinning Committee (Portsmouth, near Southampton, is a sister city of 
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An extra week of lessons – totally free! Read on for full details… If you’re planning on taking a General English in 2020, we have great news for you. Book any General English or General English Plus course of 3 weeks or more, starting between January and April 2020, and 
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