

Studying English in the UK is a wonderful experience and we want you to be having the best possible time here at the Lewis School.

If you need our help in an emergency, call the school on +44 23 8022 820
If the school is closed, listen for the emergency number on the voicemail message.

However if you are having any problems with your lessons, your accommodation, or are facing any personal difficulties, please come and speak to us – we are here for you. All our staff are trained in welfare issues, ensuring a high level of care, and many also have first aid qualifications. Please feel free to ask any of us about your stay or about learning English. We’re always happy to help!

Culture Shock
This is a term that we use for feelings that you may have when you first arrive in a new country. You may feel homesick and everything is very different from what you are accustomed to. You may feel frustrated because people don’t understand what you are trying to say, you may not like the food or you may feel everything is confusing and overwhelming.

Please come and talk to us if you feel this way – there is always someone at school who will be happy to listen to you. You can also talk to your homestay hosts. Not everybody feels this way, but it can be difficult and upsetting if you do. Sometimes it also helps to talk to other students from your country as they can understand what you are experiencing.

Information About Living in Southampton and the UK
To help you settle into life in Southampton we have made a Pre-Arrival Guide to help you prepare for your stay, and a Student Zone on our website with useful information for when you are here. In the Student Zone, you will find information about the following.

Southampton’s Attractions
Bank Accounts
British Laws
Days Out
Health & Emergencies
Information for Non-EEA Students

Places of Worship
Private Rented Accommodation
Saving Money
Voluntary Work

Discipline Policy
Our priority at the Lewis School of English is to provide a safe, friendly and caring place to study offering the best conditions for your learning. It is very important to us that everyone at the school behaves respectfully towards each other and towards the school buildings and facilities. This includes when in homestay and residential accommodation and on social activities. We ask all students to think about other people at all times, and remember that something that may be fine for one person might be upsetting or unacceptable to another person. This is particularly important in our multicultural school.
If someone’s behaviour is a concern to you, please speak to Suzie, our Welfare Manager or another member of staff, and we will quickly try to resolve the issue.
You can read our Discipline Policy in full on our School Policies page.

We take great care to ensure the safety and well-being of all our students. As our minimum age in the Adult School is 16, have set up special procedures to ensure the maximum care of all students under 18.
Firstly, we have very robust safeguarding procedures. For example, all of our staff are DBS-checked (police-checked) and receive training in safeguarding issues. Homestay hosts for under-18s and all other adult members of their household are also DBS-checked.

You can read our Safeguarding Policy in full on our School Policies page.
Secondly, we have special welfare procedures for students under 18. This includes weekly tutorials to check that you are ok. Please note, however, that we are not responsible for your supervision outside lesson times (this is different to our junior programmes, which have a much higher level of supervision). See below for full details.

Policy for Under-18s in the Adult School

Travelling to the UK
If you are travelling alone, you must bring a completed parental consent form and show it to the airport staff.
On Arrival in the UK
You must let us know your travel arrangements from the airport/station/port to Southampton. We recommend taxi transfers, which we can arrange, but if you would like to travel by train or coach, please let us know and we can help you.
At School
You must attend weekly welfare tutorials so that we can check everything is ok.You must attend all lessons at all times.
We have free Study Clubs and optional social activities at extra cost. There may be some social activities, such as pub nights, which you will not be able to attend because they are for students over 18 only.
We sometimes have evening parties at the school. You are welcome to attend these but you must not drink any alcohol.
Outside School
Lewis School of English is not responsible for your supervision outside class times.
In the UK, you must be over 18 to buy alcohol or cigarettes.

Talk to Us!

SUZIE BRIERLEY – Welfare Managersuzie@lewis-school.co.uk 
ALEX RASMUSSEN – Designated Safeguarding Lead – alex@lewis-school.co.uk

School Emergency Number

If you need our help in an emergency, call the school on +44 23 8022 8203.
If the school is closed, listen for the emergency number on the voicemail message.

Your safety and well-being are our top priorities.
Each centre has a Welfare Officer and an emergency number that is manned 24 hours a day. We monitor the whereabouts of all students and ensure full participation in lessons and activities. All our staff are trained in welfare issues, ensuring a high level of care, and many also have first aid qualifications.

Key Features of Our Welfare Service

1:20-supervision ratio on all activities
24-hour emergency phone number
Welfare officer in each centre
All staff are DBS-checked and trained in welfare and safeguarding issues
Regular meetings with group leaders
Lewis School guardian for students without a group leader

A Warm Welcome!

As part of our warm welcome, you will be given an introductory talk, a welcome pack and a tour on your first day. You are also given a card with your accommodation address and the emergency phone number. We also provide an optional ‘meet and greet’ service (additional fee) to welcome you on arrival at the airport and ensure a smooth transition to the centre.

Caring for Groups

We work closely with Group Leaders to ensure their students are happy and are getting the most from their stay. Our management staff are always available to discuss any issues, and we organise regular meetings between Group Leaders and our Centre Manager, Head Teacher and Activities Manager.

Caring for Individuals

We also welcome many students who arrive unaccompanied. These students are placed under the care and supervision of a dedicated Lewis School guardian.


We take great care to ensure the safety and well-being of all our students, and for this reason we have very robust safeguarding procedures.

For example, all of our staff, all homestay hosts and all adult members of the household are DBS-checked (police-checked). All staff and hosts also receive training in safeguarding issues.

You can read our Safeguarding Policy in full on our School Policies page.

Pocket Money & Valuables

We can keep your valuable possessions such as passport, tickets and pocket money in a locked safe. However, we cannot be held responsible for damage, loss or theft. If you do not wish your child to travel with a large amount of cash, you may transfer pocket money to the Lewis School bank account. This will then be passed to your child by the Centre Manager on a regular basis.

Pre-Arrival Guide

Before you arrive, we recommend that you read our Pre-Arrival Guides for  Summer programmes and for Year-Round programmes  This will help you and your parents/guardians to prepare for your stay, and to answer questions you may have about our programmes.
If you have any further questions about your stay, please CONTACT US.

Keeping You Safe and Secure
Safer Recruitment

The Lewis School of English practises safer recruitment. All staff are DBS-checked (police-checked) and have completed training in safeguarding issues

A Safe & Friendly Classroom Environment

Our priority is to provide create a safe, friendly and caring environment where all students and staff feel confident and able to learn and work.

We use safe and secure learning platforms (see Welcome to Your Online Junior Course). This also means that students do not need to browse the Internet.

Lesson content is age-appropriate. If any student work is to be shared with the class, the teacher checks it beforehand to ensure it is suitable. Students are not permitted to screen share.

We collect an emergency contact number from the parent/guardian of each student.
Students follow the Code of Conduct (see Welcome to Your Online Junior Course), which is explained during the first lesson.


For classes with any under-18s, the teacher supervises all aspects of the lesson. The teacher checks each student’s name before allowing them entry to the lesson. No student has any unsupervised contact with other students; for example, there is no private chat function and ‘breakout rooms’ are not used. The Director of Studies, who is also the school’s Designed Safeguarding Lead, monitors lessons by checking the chat transcript and making occasional ‘drop-in’ visits to the class. Teachers contact the Director of Studies immediately if an under-18 student is absent. The Director of Studies then contacts the parent to check whether the parent has authorised this.

Security Outside Lessons

For additional security, the teacher does not have any direct contact with the student outside the lesson. Emails are sent by the Director of Studies or the administration team to the parent (or to the student if the parent has consented to this). Homework is returned within Google Classroom, which does not require email contact.


Parent/Guardian Consent

For some classes, we may produce a promotional video to use in our publicity or as a record of the students’ work. Participation in the video is optional and depends on the consent of the parent/guardian. Please indicate on the consent form whether or not you consent for your child’s image to be used in Lewis School publicity (including social media). If you have not given consent, your child will not appear in the video. Lesson recordings are deleted after the promotional video is published.

We also ask whether you permit Lewis School to email your child directly. If no consent is given, we will send all email correspondence to the parent/guardian’s email address instead.

Designated Safeguarding Lead

Alex Rasmussen, our Director of Studies, is our Designated Safeguarding Lead and oversees the school’s safeguarding procedures. If you have any questions or concerns relating to safeguarding, please contact him at alex@lewis-school.co.uk.






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