Storytelling for teachers

Storytelling for Teachers

This course explores the creative elements needed for successful storytelling. This includes choosing suitable and inspiring texts for students of all ages, bringing these texts to life, and using drama-based techniques to make classroom storytelling more fun and interactive.
You will have the opportunity to experience these activities first-hand during your live sessions. There will also be opportunities, within your study time, to analyse and adapt activities to make them work for your classroom and your students’ needs.

Secondary School Edition (Ages 11+)

13 Jan – 9 Feb 2025
11 Aug – 7 Sept2025

4 weeks

20 hours in total

Minimum level: B1

Primary School Edition (Ages 5-11)

21 Apr – 18 May 2025
17 Nov – 14 Dec 2025

Primary, secondary & private language sector school teachers

Wide range of teaching resources – no course book

At the end of each module there will be a live online session, timetabled for a day and time that suits the majority. For those unable to attend, it will be recorded and uploaded to the site. In addition to your live sessions, there will be a series of tasks for you to complete in your free time. It’s important you keep to the task deadlines to enable everyone to complete the necessary work.  Each module should take no more than 5 hours of your time.

Module 1 Drama-based Activities 

  • Exploring the use of the voice, body and mind as tools for storytelling
  • Enjoying activities and challenges that develop teamwork
  • Lowering inhibitions and stimulating imagination through drama-led play
Module 2 Imaginative Storytelling 

  • Selecting texts, language and inspiring characters for all age groups
  • Finding additional inspiration to match your students’ needs and interests
  • Exploring the language within literature, song lyrics and poetry
Module 3 Bringing the Text to Life

  • Techniques for storytelling delivery and classroom management
  • Using performing arts to enhance the storytelling experience
  • Drama-based activities to support and enhance the text
Module 4 Practising Your Story

  • Sharing your developed story with dramatic delivery
  • Consolidating your experience and providing feedback to your peers
  • Self-reflection and setting aims
Secondary School Edition (Ages 11+)
13 January – 9 February 2025
11 August – 7 September 2025

£250 (4 weeks)


Primary School Edition (Ages 5-11)
21 April – 18 May 2025
17 November – 14 December 2025

£250 (4 weeks)





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