Combination Courses

If you want a mixture of General English and one-to-one lessons. our Combination Courses could be the ideal choice.

Our General English group classes are designed to develop your confidence in communicating in English. You'll follow our syllabus and will improve your listening, speaking, reading and writing skills, as well as grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation.
In your one-to-one lessons, you'll then have the chance to follow a programme of study designed especially for you. You can focus on exam preparation such as IELTS and Cambridge, or a

specialist area such as business English or writing skills. You and your teacher will decide on the content of your lessons. Your teacher will also prepare a self-study programme for you, including mock exams or self-directed project work if requested, and will provide feedback and guidance to help you maximise your progress.

General English lessons, 1:1 classes and self-study/mock exams.

Choose from three course combinations:

Combination Course

Ages: 16+

Minimum level: Elementary (A1)

Total hours per week: 15

7.5 hrs of General English lessons
Max size class: 12 per class

4 hrs of 1:1 lessons

3.5 hrs of self-study

Combination course

Ages: 16+

Minimum level: Elementary (A1)

Total hours per week: 20

7.5 hrs of General English lessons
Max size class: 12 per class

9 hrs of 1:1 lessons

3.5 hrs of self-study

Combination course

Ages: 16+

Minimum level: Elementary (A1)

Total hours per week: 22.5

15 hrs of General English lessons
Max size class: 12 per class

4 hrs of 1:1 lessons

3.5 hrs of self-study

09.30 – 11.00 1st Lesson
11.00 – 11.30 Break
11.30 – 13.00 2nd Lesson
Your schedule

The IELTS preparation course runs from Monday to Friday. Your timetable will normally be 9.30 – 13.00.
However, at busy times, particularly summer, your lessons can be any time between 9.30 and 17.30, and your timetable may vary from week to week. Combination Courses will follow a different timetable.

Your First Day

On your first day, you will meet our staff and we will give you a written and oral placement test. We will also provide you with a Welcome Pack, explain important information about the school, and take you on a tour of the city.

About Your Lessons

Want to know more about your learning programme at the Lewis School? Here is our quick guide to everything from homework to changing classes.

Learning with Lewis School

Our approach to teaching and learning is at the heart of our success as a school, and your success as a language learner. We’d like to tell you about what makes us different and special.

£331 per week*
7.5 hrs of General English lessons
4 hrs of 1:1 lessons
3.5 hrs of self-study/mock exams/project work
15 hours  per week/ 1-week minimum
OPTION 2 £545*
7.5 hrs of General English lessons
9 hrs of 1:1 lessons
3.5 hrs of self-study/mock exams/project work
20 hours per week/ 1-week minimum
OPTION 3 £436*
15 hrs of General English lessons
4 hrs of 1:1  lessons
3.5 hrs of self-study/mock exams/project work
22.5 hours per week/ 1-week minimum

Additional Fees
• £65 – enrolment fee (one-time fee, applies to new students only)
• £35 – coursebook fee (one-time fee) if you choose IELTS or Cambridge
• Exam registration fee is not included (exam registration is optional). Please note that if you choose exam preparation (eg IELTS or Cambridge), the exam registration fee is not included in the course fees. Please contact us if wish to book an exam through the school.



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