Our students

Our students

We’re giving students the chance to blog about their experiences of learning English, living in the UK and discovering British culture. The student writes on a topic of their choice and we publish the finished article on our website.

Amber’s afternoon class took part in a project where each student wrote and illustrated a short story. We were really impressed with the results and are proud to share them here. Well done, everyone! Princess Luna By Pimwalan Once upon a time, there was a prince who wanted to marry 
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Amber’s afternoon class took part in a project where each student wrote and illustrated a short story. We were really impressed with the results and are proud to share them here. Well done, everyone! The Clumsy By Cassandra When your best friends are very clumsy, the first thing you need 
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Amber’s afternoon class took part in a project where each student wrote and illustrated a short story. We were really impressed with the results and are proud to share them here. Well done, everyone! Hien’s Story   His name is Alian. He is 34 years old. He works in an 
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Amber’s afternoon class took part in a project where each student wrote and illustrated a short story. We were really impressed with the results and are proud to share them here. Well done, everyone! Adventure Above All By Themis A little boy had a dream. The name of this boy 
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Amber’s afternoon class took part in a project where each student wrote and illustrated a short story. We were really impressed with the results and are proud to share them here. Well done, everyone! The Last Family By Mohammed Once upon a time, there was a good boy. His name 
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Amber’s afternoon class took part in a project where each student wrote and illustrated a short story. We were really impressed with the results and are proud to share them here. Well done, everyone! The Midnight Snack by Lavinia It is a normal winter’s day and Gea goes to bed 
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We always feel greatly honoured when a student recommends their close family to come and learn English with us. It feels like the best compliment we can get! Over the years, we’ve welcomed lots of students who have come here on the recommendation of a brother, sister, cousin, wife, husband 
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Introduction Do you desire an extraordinary life? Do you dream of adventures? Do you wish to travel to far-away lands? You are not alone. Many of us wish for all these things and more. Real-life, though, has a habit of getting in the way. We have responsibilities, careers and families 
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Introducing Fiona Let me introduce you to our latest recruit here at the Lewis School; the lovely, bubbly marketing intern Fiona. Fiona rocked up here on her first day of work with a selection of tasty Chinese treats for us to try. This, alongside her infectious smile, instantly made her 
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Our latest student blog is by Maud from France, who has written about one of her most fascinating experiences in the UK. Maud has been a student at the Lewis School several times, and is a member of the Caen-Portsmouth Twinning Committee (Portsmouth, near Southampton, is a sister city of 
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